Troubleshooting my Till, KDS and UPS

Find the right advice and tips to troubleshoot your EPoS unit and UPS

Last updated 08 May 2024


Your in-venue systems work from one server that has devices attached that will operate as either an EPoS (till) unit or a KDS unit. You can connect iPads to run as devices too.

This article looks at troubleshooting your physical units, which we supply as Aures Yuno's, Oxhoo Onix's or Acante screens (KDS). You can see the images below to help you identify your unit.

It is likely that one of your tills will have an additional hard drive, and be your server. This till will have an additional piece of equipment called a UPS. This is the battery that protects you from losing your data if there is a power outage.

Some venues may have a separate physical computer as a server.

Note: Your KDS system may operate using a mini-PC and an HDMI cable to a screen. In that configuration, the troubleshooting tips are relevant to the mini-PC, but the screen is separate from Kobas.



For any issues relating to your UPS, including a loud beeping noise, please read here.

Issues whilst the screen is working

Issue Suggested action
Touchscreen not behaving properly

The tills we supply are robust and designed for use in the hospitality industry. Dirty till touch screens represent a hygiene risk and can become unresponsive, so it's a good idea to clean them regularly following these instructions: 

  • They must not be cleaned with any kind of detergent or cleaning agent, ever. 
  • They should first be cleaned with a clean, damp (but not soaking) microfibre cloth. Lots of elbow grease is required, but don't push so hard as to damage the screen. 
  • They should then be dried with a fresh, clean, dry microfibre cloth until no excess resistance is felt against any area of the screen. Again, lots of elbow grease is required, but don't push so hard as to damage the screen. 
  • If you continue to have issues with your touchscreen and you have completed these steps, please contact the Support Help Desk. 

Our Support team are here to support the use of your hardware and can provide you with advice and guidance on further troubleshooting. Our Knowledge Base also has in-depth resources for resolving these and many other issues. 

Dropdown menus not displaying This is usually resolved by safely restarting your device. On EPoS, go to Admin > Till > Restart. If this persists, please contact our Support Help Desk.

Screen error message

When your EPoS or KDS unit turns on but isn't working as expected, what you can see on the screen will tell us what action needs to be taken next.

Screen Message Issue and actions

This means that your server cannot reach the internet. 

  • Check all cables are intact and plugged in.
  • Check your router is turned on, and try restarting.
  • Contact your IT administrator or company.
If you are setting up an iPad, please check that you have followed all of the instructions here. If you are seeing this on an EPoS or KDS device, please contact the Support Help Desk.
1-1 If you are seeing this, in Kobas Cloud please go to Administration > Venue Settings > Settings > Tills and make sure in cloud the till has the correct IP address and Device Type. If the device is an iPad, please check the IP address is set to manual and you are on the correct WiFi network, check here.


DD Fail

These errors mean that the till cannot access the network in your venue to see the server. This does not relate to the internet connection.

  • Check all cables are intact and plugged in.
  • Check the server is powered on and working.
  • Contact your IT administrator or company.


Contact the Support Help Desk.
If you see any version of a user login page such as this, restarting the device should resolve this for you.


Where your EPoS or KDS Unit won't turn on, these are some of the issues you may encounter.

Configuring your KDS stations Some issues you are experiencing might be related to the incorrect set-up of your KDS screens.
Configuring each till within a venue Some issues you are experiencing might be related to the incorrect set-up of your tills.
Where do the till wires go? This article explains how to connect the various cables into your unit.
Power troubleshooting

Please check:

  • The plug, the device connection and the power connection into the transformer are all tight connections.
  • The socket is turned on.
  • Does the device have a power or backlight?
  • Try a cable from a device that is currently working so we can establish if this is the device or the power cable.
  • Check the device using a socket you know is working.

Help to identify which unit you have

Aures Yuno

Aures YUNO J1900 EPOS Touchscreen Computer - Windows 10 - Black - Picture 1 of 1

Oxhoo Onyx 200

Oxhoo Onix - BCR

Oxhoo Onyx 300

OXHOO ONIX 300 EPOS Terminal - RMS EPoS Solutions

Acante Screens (KDS)