Integrating with WiFi providers: Wireless Social & Splash Access

Wireless Social and Splash Access are Wi-Fi access platforms, they request customers to sign up to access your venue's Wi-Fi.

Last updated 07 Jul 2023

With this integration enabled, Kobas allows you to store their information within Kobas by creating a profile in Your Customers. This will be the same profile if they are signed up for your Kobas Loyalty Scheme. You'll be able to see when they log in and in which venues, it also means they have one set of usernames/passwords for both your Wi-Fi and our CIC (for loyalty and mobile ordering).


Note: These steps require user-level permissions to edit Administration > System and Financial Settings, you must have the appropriate user permissions level. If you do not have these permissions, you will need to request assistance from someone at the appropriate level within your business.

Connecting Kobas and your WiFi access provider

  • You simply need to visit Administration > Integration Settings > Marketing.
  • You will need to check the WiFi Login checkbox 
  • Press Save Settings (bottom right), this will populate your credentials,
  • Now press the copy button next to API Credentials. You can then paste the information in an email to your Wireless Social or Splash Access account manager to set up the integration.

How this works

Once a customer logs into the Wifi through the provider, their name and phone/email address are sent over to your customer database in Kobas. 

If a customer then creates a loyalty account (with the same email), the one automatically created by the Wifi login process will be overwritten. This means customers can change their minds about marketing consent. 

It also means that your customers will have one login for your Wi-Fi and your Customer Interaction Centre.


Tip: When used in conjunction with our email marketing integration MailChimp, you can capture customers who sign up for your free WiFi in your venue into a dedicated email list.