Kobas releases and updates 2024

This article will keep you updated with major changes to the system throughout 2024.

Last updated 21 Nov 2024

We also maintain a Change Log for our EPoS and Cloud on our website. You can also see our Updates 2022 and 2023 and 2025 pages and Frequent Support Requests.


Automate adding a tag based on an EPoS Item sale You can now ask the Support Help Desk to configure your system so that a tag can be automatically added when certain EPoS items are sold. 
More advanced work docket printer rules You can now create more complex rules about when and where your work dockets (tickets / checks) print within your venue. This can work alongside KDS and Online Ordering.


The streamlining of adding new staff You can now add staff directly into Kobas cloud, bypassing the Job Application process if required.
Republic of Ireland Holiday calculation support We now support the holiday calculations for workers in the Republic of Ireland.
Limit clocking in or out to a single till You can restrict tills to only allow clocking in or out at a single till. This is useful if you wish to monitor the clocking-in and out process in your venues.



Ingredient Category Changes Clients can now edit ingredient categories from within Kobas Cloud. Doing so should not be done regular as frequent changes, particularly between Stock Checks, can cause variances within your reporting.
Stock Check editing permissions You now have more flexibility around how long after a Stock Check is completed it can be edited.
Customer voucher application by tag You can now have automatic vouchers applied to your customers based on their tags.
Gratuity Reporting We now have different reports that expose the gratuity amounts, which will support different methods of tip distribution and allocation.



Rota Approval and Notification This feature allows you to require your company rotas to be approved before publication. It also allows staff to be notified of rota updates, whether using Approval or not.
Printable Rota We have simplified the layout of the rota when printed to make it easier for staff to see when their shifts are.
EPoS Importer/Exporter We have extended the export to also include what menus the item is used on and whether any venue manages it. You can use the import to edit these, the description, and the External ID.
Gift Trees integration If you work with Gift Trees, we can send them an automated report advising how many trees you have sold (based on the EPoS Item sale).
What we call 'Tab Credit' Throughout Cloud and EPoS, we have standardised our terminology and expectations around Tab Credit.
Moving the Operational Profitability report to an offline report This change will ensure that larger accounts with significant amounts of data can still run their report, and come back to it once it's ready.
Cash Log custom fields You can now add custom numeric fields to your Cash Log. This could be for instance to record footfall numbers, if you have door staff.



Shift notes now show in Hours Export Notes can be added to any shift through the Closing Tasks process or Hours Worked page. These notes are now displayed in the Hours Export.
The "of which Uncategorised" line now shows in Labour Costs Report The Labour Costs Report now shows the "of which" for all categories, including those which are uncategorised.
We have expanded the VAT rates available for Xero EPoS Items now have "Exempt" and "No Tax" available as tax rates. These items will export correctly to Xero, but still contribute to the 0% tax rate line in Cash Log and Z Reads.
You can now have tablets showing both EPoS and KDS You can now define settings for Tills and KDS using the same IP Address in cloud. This allows waiting staff to switch between the EPoS and KDS apps on their tablets.
We have removed "closed" in the CIC Mobile Ordering terminology. We have removed "closed" from the online ordering terminology. This more accurately reflects situations where venues are open but Mobile Ordering is turned off temporarily. This change also allows the CIC Mobile Ordering feature to be used as an online menu where ordering is still via EPoS.



Identical item counts on KDS For kitchens where several of the same items can be ordered, you can optionally toggle a count for identical items. This can be added by pressing settings on your KDS station and toggling the bottom option.
Customer tagging in the CRM You will now see that you can add tags to customers in the CRM and see headline information on the page.
Deleting stock orders in cloud We have now removed the ability to delete a Stock Order when it has been emailed out to a supplier. This is to add visibility and accountability into the financial reconciliation process.
Branding Update to Kobas Cloud We've given Kobas Cloud a lick of paint. It is still us though! We've not made too many changes to terminology, functionality or where you can find everything - we promise!

You may have noticed that the Staff section has now become Teams and you’ll also find Documents (which was Collaboration) within this section.



Historic Tronc Weight We now expose historic Tronc weightings, which may help investigate discrepancies in tip distribution and may be required to be retained by law.
Detailed Loyalty Scheme Reporting We now expose three detailed reports on transaction data, venue spending and visits, and voucher usage.
Tax Exempt rate We have added tax exemption as a rate available for EPoS items and ingredients to improve exporting to Xero and Sage.
Applicant Tracking We have simplified the navigation around your applicants.
Table QR Codes Clients can now access the QR and URL codes for direct ordering to table, without the need to contact support.



Irregular Hours legislation changes and daily updates We have implemented the changes to ensure the Kobas calculations follow the updated UK requirements. We will shortly support other local jurisdictions. 
MPoS is now available outside of iPads We now support a wider range of devices that operate as MPoS or MKDS. View the page for more details.
Online Ordering is available in Ireland using Euros Our Online Ordering facility is now available in the Republic of Ireland using Euros.



Allergen Management updates We have simplified how allergens are managed within your EPoS items from cloud.
Report Engine: Tronc We have added a new report that allows you to send venue sales information and staff hours worked via secure file transfer. This is useful for external Troncmasters.
Report Engine: Headline We have updated our main headline report to include all Labour costings and full waste/comp information. 
Irregular Hours: UK Following significant legal changes in the UK, we have updated how we calculate Irregular Hours holidays.


Airship Integration Kobas can now integrate with your Airship CRM account. Kobas sends live transaction data to Airship. 
Guestline Integration You can connect Kobas to your hotel using Guestline Rezylinx. The team can then charge a bill to an open room.
Report Engine: Spend per head You can now request a scheduled weekly Spend Per Head report, where covers have been added to the tabs.
Report Engine: Stock check edits This report will show you who has made edits to stock checks after the check was first saved.


Suppress order payment confirmation When orders are placed on EPoS, by default there's a confirmation step. This helps to minimise operator errors. We have now given you the option, per venue, to skip this step, which will help speed of service.
Multiple tax rates on modifiers We now show the theoretical Gross Profit percentage that a modifier achieves, based on price change and ingredients in that modifier. Because tax rate is applied by the EPoS Item, we show the GP% for each tax rate.
Day skip buttons on Daily Sales by Order Report To speed up investigations, when looking through our transactions report (Daily Sales by Order), we have now added a "previous day" and "next day" button.
Improving part pay refunds on tabs We have improved how we display refunds to part payments on tabs, making it clearer what has been refunded. The refund will appear in the session when the refund was made if the tab has been open across several sessions, or days.
Pricing history visibility for EPoS Items, Modifiers and Stock Ingredients. We now display pricing history for items you purchase and sell. On the EPoS Item (PLU) view page, Modifier edit page and the Edit Ingredient page you will see historic prices, when they were changed and who changed them. These changes will allow you to better understand why certain revenue calculations are made.