Training for all users

Before you use Kobas at any level, it's important to get to grips with the basics. This is your starting point, where we will show how to use the basic parts of the system.

Last updated 18 Jun 2022

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Introduction to training

Welcome to the first of our three training guides. This guide is aimed at everyone who uses the system, at any level. This is the main page for the guide, and when you visit other pages, you'll need to return here to continue. Once you've worked through this we have two further guides:

Please be mindful that each of our clients uses Kobas differently to reflect the needs of their business. Each of our three guides shows more functionality as you go through. However, some businesses may allow Supervisors and other non-management staff to complete the tasks in the Manager training, for example. Please seek direction from your Line Manager on which guides are pertinent to your role.

Basic access

Every Kobas client will use Kobas in different ways to meet the needs of their business. We therefore can offer you a generalised walk-through of the basic operations of the system. As such, your business may have some variations as to how the system looks and is used.

Kobas has two systems which you will have access to:

1. The Cloud

Kobas is a web-based system and therefore is accessed on any internet-enabled device, including mobile devices. The information from your EPOS is stored in the cloud.

  • Website: 
  • You will need your four-digit Company ID, username and password.
  • You may also need a Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) key. Staff who have access to more sensitive data maybe required to use MFA, please read more here.

2. EPoS

This is your till system! The tills work using an internet connection, but they can work over your local network if the tills go down. Our EPOS can be a mixture of fixed tills, iPads and virtual terminals. They all look and work in the same way.

  • You will need a unique four-digit PIN number, or a Dallas key.

Training Mode

You will use both your regular Cloud and EPOS log-in information to access training mode.

A copy of your live account in cloud is taken every early Sunday morning to allow you to use it for training and testing purposes.

*Be aware that in some Mutlt-Venue configurations, not every till can access Training Mode.

Access Levels

Each company can create as many different User Access Level's as required, and choose which permissions those levels have in terms of accessing different data and functions. Each Kobas user is assigned to one Access Level. Typically, if you can't complete an action in EPOS the button/area will be greyed out, and in Cloud, you'll see the "You are not allowed here" page.


If you feel that you require access to a part of the system that you currently don't, you will need to speak with your Line Manager or an Account Administrator.

Kobas staff cannot complete actions for which you as a user don't have permission, on your behalf. We also cannot change permission levels, without an Administrators authorisation.

Lost Passwords / Reset Access

Kobas staff cannot reset your username, passwords, or PIN numbers. If you forget your password to the cloud, you can use the password reset link on the log-in page. Managers in your company with access to view Staff Profiles will be able to check/reset your username and reset your password/PIN.

Finding your way around

Before you have a look around Kobas, we'd suggest having a read of our Glossary

Follow these links to explore different areas of the system:

Getting Help

Kobas is designed as a self-service system, meaning the Cloud and EPOS are both intuitive and easy to navigate. Particularly in the cloud, take a look at the text introducing pages, and information in "info bubbles" as this will really help you find your way around.

We keep a written Knowledge Base of articles and training that helps you to use all of the functionality within our system. We know there's a lot of information to take on board, which is why we split the training down into smaller and relevant sections. If you need to explore an area/issue further, try searching in the Knowledge Base.

This is a public website, no login is required, and works well on mobile devices.

You will be surprised how many 'Kobas Experts' there are in your company, don't forget to utilise their knowledge, and that of your Line Manager and Account Administrators. Some of these experts will be designated Kobas Champions, you can find out more about their role here.

Our Support Help Desk is available when you have issues with Kobas not working as expected, and our friendly team will help look into the issue with you. Our larger clients will also have an Account Manager whose job it is to help you get the most out of Kobas.

Head on over to "Who to contact in Kobas" in the Knowledge Base, for contact details and opening times.


Please do let us know how you found this course by completing our short Feedback Form.