Setting 'Kobas System Preferences'

There are several settings changes that can be made to ensure that Kobas fits into your business and supports your operation. This guide explains some of these settings.

Last Updated 03 Oct 2024


As part of your initial account configuration, it is essential that you go through these settings. They can be found in cloud Administration > Kobas System Preferences. It's also our recommendation that you periodically check these settings, and ensure they still work for you.

For new clients, we have marked some settings with πŸ”΄ to indicate that these require reviewing before you go live with your system, as they are essential.

We have produced some guidance on formatting Email content, and adding multiple email addresses in these settings. There are several settings that allow clients to ensure the system sends automatic emails.

Warning: Due to regulatory and legal compliance, there may be a few occasions where your supplier doesn't receive the email and within Kobas still shows as "Pending". Read here to find out more and how this can be resolved.

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Data Type

What this setting does

New Supplier Added 

Email Addresses

Kobas will send an email to one or more set email addresses (across the company, not venue specific) when a new supplier is added to Kobas.


Auto Responders

These are settings relating to Kobas sending automatic emails in out in response to a specific action or event.


Data Type

What this setting does

Customer Joins Mailing List


Email Text


Email Subject


New Customer Signup


Email Text

This setting will dictate sending emails to newly signed up loyalty customers.

True or False

Email Subject

Send To A Friend

Email Addresses


Email Text

Email Subject

Staff Change Details

Email Addresses

Where any details in the Staff Profile are changed, an email is sent to a specified email address(es). 

Staff New Job Offered

Email Addresses

Where a "New Applicant" has completed a Trial Shift in the application process and it is marked as "OFFERED", an email is sent to a specified email address(es). 

Staff New Starter Process Completed

Email Addresses

When all New Starter Tasks are completed or skipped for a "New Starter", an email is sent to a specified email address(es). 

Staff New Starter Task Finance Data Complete

Email Addresses


Staff NI Number Changed

Email Addresses

Where a staff member's NI number is changed, an email is sent to a specified email address(es). 

Staff Offer Accepted

Email Addresses

Where a "New Starter" is marked as "Accepting Job Offer", an email is sent to a specified email address(es). 

Staff Pay Rate changed

Email Addresses

Where a staff member's pay rate is changed, an email is sent to a specified email address(es). This will also go to the Venue Manager.

Staff Reinstate Process Complete

Email Addresses

Where a former staff member is reinstated, an email is sent to a specified email address(es). This will also go to the Venue Manager.

Staff Username Change Complete

Email Addresses

Where a staff member's username is changed, an email is sent to a specified email address(es). 

Staff Venue Changed

Email Addresses

Where a staff member's home venue is changed, an email is sent to a specified email address(es). 

Closing Tasks Alerts


Data Type

What this setting does

Closing Tasks Information Email

Email Addresses

This sends a snapshot email of the closing tasks for every venue to these email addresses. See here for an example.

Send Closing Tasks Summary To Area Managers?

True or False

Send the above snapshot to the person named as Area Manager on the Administration > Venue Territories menu page. The email address used is the email address in that staff member's staff profile.

Send Closing Tasks Summary To Managers? πŸ”΄

True or False

Send the above snapshot to the person named as Venue Manager in the Administration > Venue Settings > Settings menu page. The email address used is the email address in that staff member's staff profile.


Daily Tasks > Safe Log Errors


Data Type

What this setting does

Safe Log Saved (Area Manager)

True or False

When a Safe Log is saved with a variance, send a notification to the Area Manager in the Administration > Venue Territories menu page. The email address used is the email address in that staff member's staff profile.

Safe Log Saved (Company)

Email Addresses

As above, but send copies for every venue to the specified email address(es) for the whole company.

Safe Log Saved (Venue Manager) πŸ”΄

True or False

As above, but to the person named as Venue Manager in the Administration > Venue Settings > Settings menu page. The email address used is the email address in that staff member's staff profile.




Data Type

What this setting does

Address to receive all delivery note notification emails πŸ”΄

Email Addresses

Receive copies of all delivery notes recorded across the company.

Delivery note variance notification email threshold.


At what point should a variance between order and delivery received to trigger a variance email.

Send delivery note variance notification emails to the venue manager?

True or False

When the above variance threshold trigger is met, when True is chosen, the person named as Venue Manager in the Administration > Venue Settings > Settings menu page receives a notification. The email address used is the email address in that staff member's staff profile.


Email Reports


Data Type

What this setting does

Send weekly email business summary report?

True or False

An individual email is sent per venue when True is selected to the email below after the Sunday trade closes.

This is an example of the report.

Weekly business summary report recipients

Email Addresses

The above report is sent company-wide to these email addresses (es).




Data Type

What this setting does

Event Ticket Sold

Email Addresses





Data Type

What this setting does

Export Sales Data Daily to S4 Labour

True or False

When ticked as true, this tells the export from Kobas with sales information to send via FTP to S4 Labour.

S4 Labour Sales Export Directory Name


This is the directory name supplied to you by S4 Labour.




Data Type

What this setting does

New Feedback Received (Company)

Email Addresses


Send Feedback To

Email Addresses





Data Type

What this setting does

Company Email Address πŸ”΄

Email From Address

The email address where automated Kobas emails will be sent from.

Company Name πŸ”΄

Email From Name

Default 'from' name for Kobas automated emails.

Company Registered Address πŸ”΄


The company registered address.

Email Style - Colour Link



Email Style - Italic Text


Email Style - Large Text


Email Style - Link


Email Style - Main Text


Email Style - Minor Text


Email Style - Table Body


Email Style - Table Head




Main Website


Show tips on hours export πŸ”΄

True or False

If true is ticked then the tips will be added to the hours worked exports.

Staff Exit Process Complete

Email Addresses

Notifications when all Staff Exit Processes are completed in a staff profile (ie. notification of a leaver).

Tronc_Percentage πŸ”΄


This is the percentage amount of Tronc which is retained to cover card fees and processing costs. Note that this is not legal in some juridstictions, including parts of the UK.




Data Type

What this setting does

Are times rounded to the nearest multiple or just down πŸ”΄

Hours Rounding Type

Choose whether hours worked are rounded down, or to the nearest multiple (multiple defined in the last setting) for holidays.

Email address to receive senior staff holiday requests. πŸ”΄

Email Addresses

This email address(es) will receive all holiday requests for 'senior staff' (as defined below).

Email addresses to receive all holiday requests. πŸ”΄

Email Addresses

This email address(es) will receive all holiday requests for all staff across the company.

Holiday Guidelines πŸ”΄

Display Text


Lowest user-level considered senior staff: πŸ”΄


This relates to the "Senoirty Level" given in Administration > Staff User Permission Levels. Staff on this level and above will be considered 'senior staff'.

Send Holiday Requested to the Venue Manager πŸ”΄

True or False

Where true is selected, the Venue Manager (as defined in Administration > Venue Settings > Settings) will receive an email notification (to the email address in their staff profile) where any time off is requested in their venue.

To how many minutes are times rounded πŸ”΄

Hours Rounding Mins

These are the pay intervals (in minutes) that is relevant to rounding. For example, your company may round pay to the nearest 15 minutes for Holidays.


Hours Worked


Data Type

What this setting does

Are times rounded to the nearest multiple or just down πŸ”΄

Hours Rounding Type

Choose whether hours worked are rounded down, or to the nearest multiple (mutliple defined in last setting).

To how many minutes are times rounded πŸ”΄

Hours Rounding Mins

This is the pay intervals (in minutes) that is relevant to rounding. For example, your company may round pay to the nearest 15 minutes.




Data Type

What this setting does

Price Change During Delivery

Email Addresses

This email address(es) will recieve a notification if an ingredient price is amended during a delivery, company-wide.

Loyalty > Global


Data Type

What this setting does

Email Logo πŸ”΄


This is the logo that will be used at the top of loyalty emails.

Loyalty accrues points πŸ”΄

True or False

If ticked true, my customers will gain loyalty points when they make payments.

Loyalty contact address πŸ”΄


Email address customers should use to make enquiries regarding points and the loyalty scheme within your organisation. 

Please note that Kobas doesn't usually deal directly with your customers. We can however provide you with a quote for this service.

Loyalty has physical cards πŸ”΄

True or False

My customers should gain loyalty points when they make payments.

Membership QR codes exposed to customers πŸ”΄

True or False

Exposes Kobas generated QR codes to customers in emails and the loyalty portal. Required to give customers the option of not using physical cards.

Permit voucher redemption without customer profile πŸ”΄

True or False

Allow your customers to redeem vouchers without first completing their profile on your loyalty site.

Scheme Terms and Conditions πŸ”΄


This is the URL to the Terms & Conditions (usually best hosted on your website) that apply to your loyalty scheme.


Loyalty Customer


Data Type

What this setting does

Customer Vouchers Resend

Email Text


Customer Vouchers Resend

Email Subject





Data Type

What this setting does

Include product usage in ingredient transfer predictions? πŸ”΄

True or False

Kobas Predictive Ordering uses ingredient usage over the past 13 weeks to determine how much of an ingredient is needed. If you are using a Central Kitchen where Stock Products are shipped to venues, then you may wish to exclude Stock Product Usage from Ingredient Usage calculations, as the base ingredients are used separately in store.

As an example, you may wish to exclude the usage of "Tomato Sauce" from your predictions for the "Tomato" ingredient, as the raw tomato is used only in salads, in-store.

Invert Stock Usage Variance Figures

True or False

By default, Kobas logs stock usage variance, where "Actual Usage" exceeds "Theory Usage" as a positive figure. Enabling this setting will invert these figures on the Stock Usage Comparison report.

Notify these people by email of transfer received discrepancies. πŸ”΄


A notification will be sent to this email address(es) for any discrepancies company-wide between transfer dispatch and received.

Number of days to make changes to a Cash Log πŸ”΄


Here you can specify the number of days for a cash log to remain editable. Enter 0 if you do not want to impose a restriction. Note that in Administration > Staff User Permission Levels, you can define user groups who can edit the Cash Log after this time.

Number of days to make changes to a Stock Check πŸ”΄


Here you can specify the number of days for a stock check to remain editable. Leave the field blank to always allow Stock Checks to be edited, or enter 0 if you do not want to impose a restriction.

Note that in Administration > Staff User Permission Levels, you can define user groups who can edit the Stock Check after this time.

Number of days to make changes to a Stock Delivery πŸ”΄


Here you can specify the number of days for a stock delivery to remain editable. Enter 0 if you do not want to impose a restriction. Note that in Administration > Staff User Permission Levels, you can define user groups who can edit the Stock Delivery after this time.

Send Transfer Requests to Area Managers? 

True or False

Tick true will send the relevant Area Manager email notifications of transfer requests between venues.




Data Type

What this setting does

Beginning of the Financial Year πŸ”΄


This setting dictates from which date the financial year starts in the Operational Profitability Report. The date must be in a YYYY-MM-DD format.

Generic Hours Export πŸ”΄

True or False

If ticked 'true', Displays a generic hours export option on the Hours Export report.

Labour Reports Require Specific Permissions? πŸ”΄

True or False

If set to TRUE then certain labour reports will require extra permissions that allow users to see staff pay details. If set to FALSE, then only the report permission will be required for access.

Operation Profitability Report period phrasing πŸ”΄

Time label

This setting allows you to set your preferred phrasing when viewing the reporting periods in the Operational Profitability Report.

For example:
"Month Starting" will phrase the report: "Month starting 1st January"

"Month Ending" will phrase the report: "Month ending 31st January"

Type of Reporting PeriodπŸ”΄

Time frame

This setting allows you to select the date format you would like to see the data in the Operations Profitability Report.




Data Type

What this setting does

Suppress Emails

True or False

Tick 'true' to not send (suppress) reservation emails.


Action Data Type What this setting does
Require Approval True or False Tick 'true' to require all rotas to be processed through the approval system.


Service Times

Action Data Type What this setting does
Service Time 1 Name Text These settings allow you to name up to six Service Times globally in your account. Times for these can be set in your Venue Manager, and are used in various Revenue Analysis reporting.
Service Time 2 Name Text
Service Time 3 Name Text
Service Time 4 Name Text
Service Time 5 Name Text
Service Time 6 Name Text




Data Type

What this setting does

Application Process - Require First Interview?

True or False

If 'false' is unchecked, will allow bypass of the First Interview in the application process.

Application Process - Require Telephone Interview?

True or False

If 'false' is unchecked, will allow bypass of the Telephone Interview in the application process.

Application Process - Require Trial Shift?

True or False

If 'false' is unchecked, will allow bypass of the Trial Shift in the application process.

Disciplinary Procedure Document ID


Maximum Negative Days for Irregular Hours Holiday


This relates to how Holiday is approved for Irregular Hours Workers. Please read more information here.

New Staff Saved

Email Addresses

Notification is sent to this email address(es) when a new staff member is saved.

New Starter Task - Pay & Bank Details - Default Tax Code


When completing the Pay & Bank Details new starter task, this is the default tax code that will be pre-populated.

Pay Details Visibility

True or False

If set to TRUE then staff will only be able to view pay details of other staff if they are below their seniority level.

Tips & Service Charge Managed Externally

True or Fales

This relates to how Holiday Pay is calculated for Irregular Hours Workers. Please read more information here.

Trial Shift Candidate Email

Email Text

Details relating to the email sent to applicants to confirm their place on a Trial Shift.

Trial Shift Confirmation Reply To Address

Email From Address

Trial Shift Confirmation Reply To Name

Email From Name


Staff Pre-Recruitment


Data Type

What this setting does

Application Complete


Paragraph to display on the web portal once an applicant has finished their application.

Front Right Image

Image From File

Link to URL with your logo or image for the front right of your recruitment portal landing page.

Heading HTML


HTML code will be provided for the heading banner design for your jobs portal.

Kill Question Failure Text


Paragraph to display on the web portal for an application failure when an applicant asks a "Kill Question" incorrectly.

No Jobs Found


Paragraph to display on the web portal when the filter/search returns no jobs.

Pre Recruitment Heading


Heading at the top of your jobs portal before the list of vacancies.

Pre Recruitment new application notification email

Email Addresses

These email address(es) will receive an email when a new application is submitted from the pre-recruitment website.

Pre Recruitment Opening Text


The opening paragraph at the top of your jobs portal before the list of vacancies.

Pre Recruitment Questions Text


Paragraph to introduce the pre-recruitment questions.

Pre Recruitment Show Application Form Upload

True or False

Do you want the applicant to upload an application form or not?

Pre Recruitment Successful


Paragraph to advise the applicant has passed the pre-recruitment questions and can now submit an application.

Require Application Form

True or false

Do you require an application form or is it optional?

Require CV

True or false

Do you require a CV or is it optional?


Stock Checks


Data Type

What this setting does

Show used and holding columns during new stock check πŸ”΄

True or false

Selecting false will hide the "holding" and "used" columns during stock checks, making it harder for the stock taker to 'guess' or enter what 'should' be there.



Formatting your settings

Multiple Email addresses

Make sure that each email address is separated by a semicolon (;) and then has no spaces, such as this:


Email content

Emails can be written in either "Plain Text" or in "HTML Code". If you use HTML code, this will allow you to fully customise the appearance of the email. You can copy and paste HTML code provided by your website designer into this box, or you can contact us using for a quote on writing HTML code for your emails.


The Plain Text option means that, with no specific technical knowledge, you can write the email to be sent.

Firstly, you can ensure your logo is used on the emails by completing the "email logo" setting.

You can then type out the content of your email. 

To add personalisation, you can use "placeholders". Firstly, click on Edit Placeholders and if you wish to use any, in any given setting, tick the checkbox next to the placeholder name. Then when you are in the email content, press the plus (+) to insert the placeholder where you want it. In this screen each placeholder also has a blue 'info bubble' which explains more.


For example:

Hi %%Customer_First_Name%%,

Would display on an email to Tim Smith as:

Hi Tim,