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Recording other stock usages in Kobas

In venues, stock is also used because it has had to be wasted or given out for free. This article explores how you can record that in Kobas, to keep an accurate record of stock movement.

Last updated 04 July 2024

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The Kobas stock system caters to orders, deliveries, and sales, but there are other reasons that stock may be depleted during your operations.


What is "other stock usage" within Kobas?

Within Kobas, we have three categories of 'other stock usage' (aside from item sales):

  • Waste - items that have been bought/made but not sold. This could be because of breakages, spillages, or items expiring, for example.
  • Comp - items that have been given to a customer for free.
  • Director - items that have been given to a member of staff for free.

What happens with this information

Items logged under these headings are identified separately in reporting, so as not to skew profit calculations. This is an advantage to Price Adjusting down to £0 or using a 100% Discount, as these latter methods would reduce your GP calculation and not give as much transparency as to stock movement.

The stock is depleted along with sales, so that Stock Checks, Stock Current Positions, and Stock Predictions remain accurate.

Subcategories provide further useful management information

You can provide your Implementation Coordinator, Account Manager, or the Support Help Desk with a list of reasons under each of the headings above (Waste, Comp, and Director) which you can attribute to these items.

The above functions will still continue to work, but you will also be able to drill down on why items have been wasted or given out for free. This allows you to make good business decisions. An example could be that the majority of your Waste is due to Expiry, so you could look at stock holding or menu composition. It could be that a certain staff member records Waste due to Spillage regularly, and you can take action in that regard.

Where will I find information on usage within Kobas Cloud?

Reports > Operation Analysis > Stock Usage History This report will provide a detailed list of how your stock usage has been logged, through sale, waste etc, with reasons lists. It will say who logged this and when. You can filter by venue, usage type and date ranges. This can be viewed on-screen or exported.
Reports > Operation Analysis > Stock Usage Comparison This report has columns to show the cost of each of the other stock usage types. This report also gives headline figures.
Reports > Revenue Analysis > Discount Report This report contains exportable tables detailing all of the stock usage in a given date range and venue (or multiple).
Reports > Revenue Analysis > Item Sales (All) Report This report details per venue (or multiple) over a date range, all items sold by lead type, category and individually. The report contains columns for each stock usage type.

Recording other stock usage within Kobas

Recording on EPoS

You can log the usage of EPoS Items by:

  • Placing all items in the basket > Admin > Log Special order > follow on screen instructions
  • Open a tab that has items you need to log > Press Admin on that item > follow instructions

You can log the usage of Stock Ingredients/Batches by:

  • Admin > Log Stock Usage > then select the ingredient or batch > follow on screen instructions

Check out the EPoS Training for Managers for a video guide on these processes.

Recording in the Cloud

You can log usage of Stock Ingredients/Batches by going to Operations > Stock Usage > Record Usage. Choose the venue, usage type, reason, date and time, and add comments if required. Then select the Ingredients/Batches and press Save.

On this page you can also view all historically logged stock usage, more information is available here.

Note: Where items are added to a tab on EPoS and wasted at a later time, this page will show who originally added the item to the tab. To see who marked the item as waste, you should use the EPoS Audit Log within the Daily Sales By Order Report.

Note that on this page you can delete stock usage recorded in cloud incorrectly by pressing the grey X at the end of the line. Note that usage recorded on EPoS, sales or otherwise, cannot be deleted: