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Receiving a delivery within Kobas

Receiving the Delivery is a separate action to placing the Order within Kobas. This essentially is a confirmation of what has arrived. We also look at Transfer Fulilfment.

Last updated 21 Jan 2025

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What is a Delivery within the Kobas Stock system?

When your order is delivered, you will need to receive it in Kobas so that Kobas can keep track of your current stock levels. This will also give you the opportunity to note that different items or quantities were delivered than had been ordered.

For clarity in relation to Stock Usage figures, the Stock Order does not count as the actual stock figure; the starting point is from Deliveries Received.

Receiving a Delivery for an existing Order

To complete this you'll need to go to Operations > Orders & Deliveries and below the filter, you'll see:

Between the From and To columns, the arrow indicates a transfer, and the trolly indicates a delivery. The status will either be Pending or Delivered. Lines that have a Delivered Status will also be greyed out. 

When you locate the order required, press Actions and go to Receive Delivery. This will bring you to the Record New Delivery screen, whereby you can enter totals and the Delivery Note reference (optional) and press Record Delivery at the bottom. This will open the Ingredients Delivered box:

Here you can:

  • Add additional ingredients delivered that weren't in the order.
  • Amend the Cost for the one-off delivery if there's a special price.
  • Mark the line as delivered for Free.
  • Add in the number of Full Packs and the number of Units delivered. The Pack and Unit sizes are handily displayed next to the ingredient name for ease of reference.

When complete, press Save at the bottom.

Receiving a delivery without an existing Order

Back on the Operations > Orders & Deliveries screen, you will see an option to "receive a delivery from an external supplier without an existing order", and click here.

This will take you to a similar screen as above, and you need to enter the supplier, venue, and date information and you can add the delivery note reference.

You will then be in the same Ingredients Delivered screen as mentioned in the section above, however, all of the ingredients available from that supplier to that venue will be available. You will need to enter the quantities delivered and press Save.

Top Tip: You can nominate an email address to receive notifications where there is a discrepancy between Order and Delivery in Kobas System Preferences.

Transfer fulfillment

If you go to Operations > Orders & Deliveries you can "Recieve Transfers" in a similar way to Orders as described above.

However, another view is to go to Operations > Transfer Fulfilment. In this view, you will see all transfer requests to action.

Similarly to above, locate the relevant transfer, press Recieve transfer.

You will be taken through a process as follows:

  1. Request Transfer - this is the initial action described here to request the stock.
  2. Process Transfer - this is the stage where the request is with the second venue, who will then progress.
  3. Dispatch Transfer - this is where the second venue will record what they are dispatching to the first venue. If there is a discrepancy between the Request and Dispatch, this isn't a concern as no stock is lost, it may simply be that the second venue doesn't have enough stock to spare.
  4. Receive Transfer - this is where the first venue record what stock they have actually received.

These are all logged by locating the transfer and progressing to the next stage. Once the transfer has been Received stock levels will be amended.

Top Tip: There can of course be a discrepancy between the items dispatched and received. These items are written off, in that they aren't expected stock in either venue. You can nominate an email address in Kobas System Preferences to receive a notification in this situation.



  • Email alerts can be configured in Kobas System Preferences to send copies of all delivery notes, where an Order-Delivery variance has occurred, or where transfer Dispatched-Received variances have occurred. 
  • Furthermore, you can choose in KSP to have the Area Manager informed of Transfer Requests, and define how many days can pass until a Delivery cannot be amended. Not that there is a permission level that can be added to always allow a certain level of staff members to edit deliveries.
  • You can delete View and Delete deliveries by going to Operations > Orders & Deliveries, going to Actions, and choosing View or Delete

Note: Once a Stock Order has been emailed, it can no longer be deleted. This is to allow the order to be audited.