Setting staff user permission levels

An important part of your Kobas setup is creating Staff User Permission Levels to ensure your business and information is secure, but staff can operationally function.

Last updated 08 May 2024

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Every staff member is assigned to a User Permission Level group. This defines what areas staff members can see within Kobas, and the actions that they can take. This is essential to configure as required to keep your data and people's privacy secure. Please also read our information in relation to GDPR here.

You can view, create and edit user levels and define the default permission set for each level by navigating to Administration > Staff User Permission Levels. Here you can create a new user level, change an existing one, or duplicate a current permission level as a start for a new level.

Some definitions used in this settings page:

  • *Own Venue(s) - It is possible for a user to have more than one venue that is considered their own venue, and would come from:
    • The user's home venue in their staff profile
    • A venue of which the user is the venue manager (Administration > Venue Settings > Settings)
    • A venue in an area of which the user is a territory manager
    • A venue in a region of which the user is a territory manager
  • Manage – view and make all available changes.
  • View / Create / Edit / Delete – all of the available components of “Manage”.
  • Preparation refers to Printers and KDS (Kobas Display Screens).

Seniority Level

Each user level is assigned a "seniority level", with 1 being the highest for Administrators. This defines your company hierarchy helping to protect data. Staff cannot access data or take actions relating to other staff on the same, or a higher, seniority level. You can have more than one user level on the same seniority level.

Warning: It is important to only give Administrator access to those who genuinely should have full and unfettered access to your business.

Administrators will be able to see and edit all personal and commercially sensitive information, make irreversible changes to your account, and make financial and data-erasure authorisations to Kobas in relation to the account.

Top Tip: We recommend duplicating the Administrator level and rename it, even with all the permissions ticked, this will still remove some of the more destructive rights of the users and removes their ability to authorise additional costs to Kobas.

This article gives more detail as to the effect of each permission element. 

There are some permissions that are inherent only to the Administrator permission level, and cannot be delegated to lower user groups:


Permission name

Users with this permission will be able to…

Hardware Management


Manage all Tills, PDQs, and Preparation (Printer/KDS) across all venues. (The “Venues – Manage” permission below is required in conjunction with this). This also allows EPOS Simulator access. 

KDS States


This allows you to edit and manage the KDS Stats in the Administration section.

Multi-Factor Authentication


Setting this setting to active will require all users in this level to activate and use MFA.



Access all the menus within Administration in the cloud that relate to the Stock and Rota System. Note for the “Pricing Administration” page, permission “Operations – Ingredients/Batches – Manage” is also required.

System and Financial Settings


Access menus within Administration such as Kobas System Preferences, Kobas Billing, and Integration Settings. Within Venue Settings you will also need this permission to access the Financial settings tab and the Stripe settings for online ordering. This also allows exporting data to Sage and Xero.



Access menus within Administration such as Venue Territories and Franchises.

User Management


Access “Staff User Permission Levels” menus within Administration.



Access to all venue pages, particularly the Venue Settings page, and pages relating to Daily Tasks within Administration


Collaboration is the file-sharing “pinboard” section within Kobas cloud.

Permission name

Users with this permission will be able to…



View any documents uploaded here.

Create / Edit / Delete

View, upload, edit and delete docs to the board.


Daily Tasks

Daily tasks refer to the Opening, Closing & In-Shift tasks within Cloud.

Permission name

Users with this permission will be able to…


Override Time Lock Restrictions

Make changes to Cash Logs after the set number of days in Kobas System Preferences (Operations) when the log locks down.

Cash Bags


View all venues

View Cash Bags in all venues


Edit Cash Bags in all venues

Mark Banked

Mark all Cash Bags as Banked (respecting the View All / Own venue permission)

Mark in Account

Mark all Cash Bags as in Account (respecting the View All / Own venue permission). This permission is required to edit Cash Bags.

View own venue / venues

View Cash Bags in own venue / venues*

Cash Logs

View own venue / venues

View own venue / venues* Cash Logs

View All Venues

View All Venues Cash Logs

Edit / Delete All Venues

Edit / Delete All Venues Cash Logs

Edit / Delete Home Venues

Edit / Delete Home Venues Cash Logs

Closing Tasks


All Venues

Complete and view closing tasks for all venues.

Own Venue / Venues

Complete and view closing tasks for own venue / venues*.

End of Trade Logs

Edit Logged Amounts

Edit the figures in the cash log after closing tasks have been declared.

Opening Tasks


All Venues

Complete and view opening tasks and in-shift tasks for all venues.

Own Venue / Venues

Complete and view opening tasks and in-shift tasks  for own venue / venues*.

Safe Logs




View Own Venue / Venues

View own venue / venues* safe logs

View All Venues

View all venue safe logs

Edit / Delete All Venues

Edit / Delete all venues safe logs

Edit / Delete Home Venues

Edit / Delete home venues safe logs

Till Float Logs




View Own Venue / Venues

View own venue / venues* till float logs

View All Venues

View all venue till float logs

Edit / Delete All Venues

Edit / Delete all venues till float logs

Edit / Delete Home Venues

Edit / Delete home venues till float logs



EPoS Local

This section refers to user permissions on the actual EPoS till / iPad units.

Permission name

Users with this permission will be able to…

















Access Admin Menu

Open the Admin menu on EPOS. This permission is required to access any other “admin” permissions on EPOS Local.

View Session Data

View “session data” including total sales value on EPOS.

Download Data

Perform the “download data” function on EPOS.

Access training mode and other available venues

Change the till screen between “Live”, “Training” and any other available venue.

Special Save - Waste

Mark items as “Waste” (ie, deplete stock, add to Waste in finance reporting).

Special Save – Refund

Log items as a “Refund” against Cash/Card / Other.

Special Save – Comp

Mark items as “Comp” (ie, deplete stock, add to Comp in finance reporting).

Special Save – Director

Mark items as “Director” (ie, deplete stock, add to Director in finance reporting).

Special Save – Void

Mark items as “Void” (ie. Remove from tab/basket and don’t record sale, don't deplete stock)

Create / Edit Reservations

Create and edit reservations for the same day.

Set Sold Out

Mark items as “sold out” or add “counts” onto EPOS items.  

Close Session

Perform X- and Z-Reads on the current till session (necessary for closing tasks).

This permission is also required to manage user Dallas key allocation.

Manage Tabs

Open the tab screen and settle etc the tabs. Without  this permission, a user can only open, take payments and close tabs that they created, not having the ability to work on others that are not theirs.

Price and Discount Availability Override

Adjust the price of an item at any point, and apply any discount at any time, regardless of the discount's inherent time restrictions.

Manage Automated Orders

This allows a user to see pending/rejected orders, accept or reject them, and be notified when online orders are made that require to accept/reject on the till itself.

Manage Order Tracking

Opens the "Order Management" tab in the Admin menu on EPOS. Allowing to track online orders, view, mark as read, etc.

Manage Framework






Allow taking orders

Add items to the basket and to tabs, as well as settle them.

Allow No Sale

Perform a no sale (ie. Open the cash draw where there’s no sale). Access to the Admin menu is required.

Allow Clock in/out

Clock in and out and start/stop breaks.

Allow Order Discounting

Apply the pre-defined discounts within the active time frames identified.

Allow Service Charge Management

Change the definitions and applications of service charges.

Redeem Deposits and Other Payment Types

Redeem deposits and other payment types against an order or a tab.



EPoS Administration

This section relates to managing EPoS within the cloud.

Permission name

Users with this permission will be able to…

EPoS Items

View EPoS Items

View all EPoS Items for all venues.

EPoS Items

Manage All Venues

Create/edit/delete EPoS items ‘available in’ “All Venues” 

EPoS Items

Manage Own Venue/Venues

Create/edit/delete EPoS items ‘available in’ own venues. 

KDS Builds


Edit KDS Builds for all EPoS Items they have access to


Manage Own Venue / Venues

Edit menu layout, assign menu Venue Manager for own venues. 


Manage All Venues

Edit menu layout, assign menu Venue Manager for all venues.


Manage All Venues

Manage discounts, Menu page creation, Modifiers, Price Bands & Customer Facing Screens in all venues. 




Within Kobas, the term Operations refers to the stock management system.

Permission name

Users with this permission will be able to…

Audit Log


Access the user audit log here




Edit a delivery that has already been saved.

Override Stock Delivery Editing Time Restriction

Make the above edits even after the number of days when a delivery is locked down to most users (click to change setting in preferences)

Deliveries / Transfers / Orders



View Own Venue / Venues

View all deliveries, transfers, and orders relating to own venue / venues*.

Receive Own Venue / Venue

Log deliveries and transfers as received in the own venue / venues*.

Manage All Venues

Undertake all actions across all venues in relation to deliveries, transfers, and orders.

Ingredients / Batches





View all ingredients and batches in the account.


Edit and delete all ingredients and batches in the account.

Bulk Upload

Use the spreadsheet bulk uploader for ingredients.

Restrict Own Venue

Restrict ingredients so that they are shown or hidden to home venues.


Create / Edit / Delete Own Venue / Venue

Create, edit and delete all orders relating to own venue / venues*.

Stock Checks




View All Venues

View all stock checks in all venues.

Create / Edit / Delete

Create, edit and delete stock checks in all venues.

Override Stock Check Editing Time Restriction

Make the above edits even after the number of days when a stock check is locked down to most users (click to change setting in preferences)

View Own Venue / Venue

View all stock checks in own venue / venues*.


Create / Delete / Fulfilment Own Venue / Venue

Create, delete and fulfill transfers relating to own venue / venues*.





View All Venues

View all stock usage logs across all venues.

View Own Venue / Venue

View all stock usage logs in the own venue / venues*.

Create / Edit / Delete All Venues

Create, Edit, and Delete stock usage in all venues.

Create / Edit / Delete Own Vewnue / Venues

Create, Edit, and Delete stock usage in own venue / venues*.



Some reports contain personally and commercially sensitive information. These reports ascribe to a two-step permission level as follows:

  • The Report permission gives access to the reports
  • Then the associated permission dictates whether the user can see for all venues or their “own venues”. This is in brackets in the table below.

Permission name

Users with this permission will be able to access these reports...

Customer Analysis



Loyalty Scheme


Reservations Report

Labour Analysis

For most: (Staff > General > View All or Own)  

There is also a KSP setting that dictates whether additional permissions are required for Labour Costings.



Holiday Status, Holidays Taken, Punctuality & Sickness

Cost Breakdown (All / Own Venues)

Labour Costs, Labour Per Person, Time Comparisons



Hours Export, Labour Exchange, Tips Per Employee By Date


Length of Service, Staff Turnover

Operations Analysis

(Operations > Deliveries/ Transfers/ Orders All or Own)

Daily Actions

Incidents Report, Petty Cash

Stock Financials

Stock Audit Trail Transactions, Stock Transfers

Stock Levels

Stock Current Position, Stock Ingredient Averages, Stock Usage Comparison

Overall Analysis


Operational Profitability 

Revenue Analysis

(Daily Tasks > Cash Logs > View All or Own)






Week on Week Sales, Year on Year Sales


Cash Log

Item Sales

Item Sales (All) By Date, Item Sales (Single) By Date

Sales Figures

Daily Sales By Interval, Daily Sales By Order, Discounts, Group Sales Breakdown

Sales Mix

Sales Mix By Lead Type, Sales Week Breakdown



Permission name

Users with this permission will be able to…






Request days off and holidays for themselves.

Request for Others

Request days off and holidays on behalf of other staff in their venue/company.

View / Accept / Reject All Venues

View, accept, and reject holiday/day off requests across all venues.

View / Accept / Reject Own  Venue / Venues

View, accept and reject holiday/day off requests across own venue / venues*.

Hours Export

Approve Export

Approve the export of hours worked as various CSV reports. Exports cannot be made until all hours have been approved.

Hours Worked

Approve Hours

Mark Hours Worked on Rotas with permission to see as "Hours Approved", and to add shifts that weren't clocked in or added in Closing Tasks. This permission is required to add additional shifts in Hours Worked.






View Own Venue / Venues

View rotas for all own venue / venues*.

Manage All Rotas

View, edit and delete rotas across all venues.

Manage Own Venue / Venues Rotas

View, edit and delete rotas across own venue / venues*.

Change Shift Charged To

Edit the venue an individual shift is charged to after the fact, in the Hours Worked screen.

View All Venues

View all venues rotas.



Create / Edit / Delete All Venues

Create, edit and delete rota templates for all venues.

Create / Edit / Delete Own Venue / Venues

Create, edit and delete rota templates for own venue / venues*.



Manage staff HR profiles within Kobas.

Permission name

Users with this permission will be able to…

Current Staff



Reset Access Levels

Edit the User Access Level for someone below their seniority level.

Edit All Pay Details

Edit pay information for all staff. This is required to see the Financial Module of the Rota Creator (for all venues).

Edit Own Venue / Venues Pay Details

Edit pay information for own venue / venues* staff. This is required to see the Financial Module of the Rota Creator (for own venues).


(The permission General > View All or Own dictates whose details can be edited)

View / Create / Edit / Delete*

View, create, edit and delete full staff profiles (including HR sections in conjunction with last three staff permissions) of staff who have a lower seniority level, as defined in the "Staff User Permission Level" menu. Staff will also not be able to see their own full profile except Administrators who can.

With this permission, staff can Reset the EPOS PIN of those on the same/higher seniority level.

Staff with this permission level will also be able to reset Cloud passwords for lower level staff.






View All Staff

View the staff list (ie. venue, name, picture and phone number) for all venues.

View Own Venue / Venues Staff

View the staff list (ie. venue, name, picture and phone number) for own venue / venues*.

Edit Staff Permissions


View All Pay Details

View pay details of all staff (not edit).

View Own Venue / Venues Pay Details

View pay details of all own venue / venues* staff (not edit).


View / Create / Edit / Delete

Full access to the onboarding process for new starters, and view access to the HR sections of the staff profile. 


(The permission General > View All or Own dictates whose details can be edited)

View / Create / Edit / Delete

Full access to the performance management section of the staff profile.


View / Create / Edit / Delete

Full access to the recruitment platform job adverts.


Your Customers

Settings that manage access to your customer database within the cloud.

Permission name

Users with this permission will be able to…




View the customer database.

Create / Edit / Delete

Make edits in the customer database.

Gift Cards


Allows access to the cloud menu: EPoS > Gift Card Manager.

Loyalty Campaigns


Manage the creation, amendment, deletion of loyalty campaigns and the codes.





All (View)

View all reservations across all venues.

All (Create / Edit / Delete)

Create, edit and delete all reservations across all venues.

Own Venue / Venues (View)

View all reservations across own venue / venues*.

Own Venue / Venues  (Create / Edit / Delete)

Create, edit and delete all reservations across own venue / venues*.