Integrating with Mailchimp

Mailchimp is an all-in-one marketing platform that helps operators manage and talk to their customers signed up to their mailing list and Kobas loyalty programme.

Last updated 02 July 2024

Set up MailChimp integration

To start using this integration, please follow the steps below:

  • You will first need to create a Mailchimp account
  • Then in Kobas Cloud, head over to Administration > Integration Settings > Marketing, and check the "Mailchimp" section.
  • You will need to input the API credentials from your Mailchimp account (to find your API key, follow this article) here,
  • Then enter a Default Email List ID (follow this article on where to find this) which all new customers will be added to when created in Kobas.

Note: Only contacts that sign up for your loyalty programme after this integration is activated will be automatically imported into Mailchimp.

However, you can manually import your existing customers. To do this in Kobas Cloud go to Your Customers > Customers and press export these customers.

In Mailchimp, go to Audience > All contacts > Add contacts dropdown and select import contacts.


Finally, within each venue Administration > Venue Settings > Settings  > Sales & Marketing, you can add customers to a venue-specific mailing list by entering a further list ID at the bottom.


When used in conjunction with our WiFi provider integration, you can capture customers who sign up for your free WiFi in your venue into a dedicated email list.