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Daily Tasks: In-Shift Tasks

Our in-shift task function allows you to create groups of checklists for your teams to record actions they have taken.

Last updated 05 Jan 2023

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The Kobas in-shift task function allows your teams to see their prescribed job lists, and mark them as completed. You can group task lists and assign different tasks/groups to different venues. This allows for a versatile task system that can be used to support Due Diligence, Health & Safety, Licensing, and Regulatory requirements as well as company/management requirements such as Social Media posting.

Creating Tasks

The first step is to create the individual tasks by going to Administration > Daily Operations - In Shift Tasks, where you can:

  • View all current tasks
  • Edit or Delete the tasks
  • Create a New In Shift Task

When editing or creating a new task, you can name the task and add more detail.

Creating Groups and Allocating

After your tasks are created, you can go to Administration > Daily Operations - Regular Tasks. On this page, you need to select a venue first, meaning all of the next steps can be venue-specific (or copied to all venues).

The next step is to create and name a group, you can then add tasks to each group. The groups and tasks within can be re-ordered as required.


To mark tasks as complete, head to Daily Tasks > Shift Tasks and select the correct date and venue. Then you will need to select the group of tasks you are recording:

The next screen is identical to the Opening Checklists and Closing Handover screens elsewhere in Daily Tasks. Along with viewing the name and task description, you can:

  • Mark as Complete or Skip (denoting it wasn't completed)
  • Add Notes



You can review logs of all shift tasks by going to Daily Tasks > Shift Logs. You can leave this group-wide or filter by venue. You can also view as a List or Calendar View.