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Daily Tasks: Incidents, Petty Cash, and Handovers

This article covers the incidents, petty cash and handover elements of Daily Tasks

Last updated 04 July 2024

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  • Introduction
  • Incident Reports
  • Petty Cash
  • Handovers


This article covers three elements of your Daily Tasks in further detail. For further detail, we would suggest reading the Daily Task section from the beginning:

  1. Daily Tasks Explained
  2. Configuring your Daily Tasks
  3. Completing your Daily Tasks

There are then further articles covering Safe and Till Logs, Cash Log, and Hours Worked.


Incident Reports

This page allows you to note any Accidents, Incidents, Visits, or other noteworthy events that might happen in a shift. The page allows you to select an Incident Type, as well as add any additional notes. If you have any supporting documents, these can be quickly uploaded by selecting Choose File under Upload Incident Report.

Once you have completed your Incidents Log, your weekly log will automatically update. This is accessible through Daily Tasks > Incidents Log and will show logs for all venues by default, which can be filtered down as needed.

Petty Cash

Note: Please note that Petty Cash can only be attributed to Suppliers listed in Administration > Stock Suppliers. We recommend creating a supplier named “Petty Cash” to cover instances where Petty Cash has been used in an ad-hoc or emergency situation to pay someone other than your regular suppliers.

The Petty Cash screen allows you to log any petty cash payments that have been taken out of your cash takings, during your EPoS session. The options that you have to include are the Supplier that was paid, the Total value of cash paid, as well as declaring whether proof of purchase was received.

The Notes section allows you to add any further description that may be required.


Using the Kobas Handover Diary removes the need for (dodgy!) handwritten notes and ensures that nothing gets missed.  Anything saved in the Handovers section of the Closing Tasks will be added to the Opening Tasks Handover Diary for the next morning. These are also saved as part of the logs of business for the day and can be useful references in the future.