Adding new staff to Kobas

A fundamental element of Kobas is that each person in the business is created as a staff profile. This article explores how to create new users and applicants.

Last Updated 08 May 2024

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Access to the system, along with labour costings is all managed from the base principle that each staff member has their own staff profile. 


Note: Staff adding new staff or applications will require the relevant permission level. Also be aware that staff will only be able to assign new users to a user level the same as their own or lower.

Creating a new profile

Kobas has an in-built customer-facing recruitment portal, which allows you to receive applications, track progress and create new staff accounts from successful applications. 

This process starts in Kobas Cloud by going to Teams > Applicant Tracking. Here, you will find any new applicants already in the system, for whom you can press More Details. For a new starter or applicant, you can press the Create New Applicant button, which will take you to the basic detail screen for a new profile.

Top Tip: If you do not wish to record the recruitment process within Kobas or are adding already existing staff to Kobas you can skip all interviewing stages by selecting the check box while entering details in the New Applicant screen (see below).

If you use this option, skip down to Application Decision Making below.

Progress the applicant

When either you have clicked on More Details, or chosen New Applicant and filled in the initial details, you will be taken to their profile page. You can now edit all personal details, as well as review the applicant's CV, application form, answers to any application questions.

Along the top of the page you will find the Reject Applicant and Add Telephone Interview Date options (alongside Reject Applicant and Exit Interview). The application process will require you to pass the applicant through 3 primary stages:

  • Scheduling and completing a telephone interview (at which point you can schedule a face to face interview).
  • Completing main interview and scheduling a trial shift.
  • Completing Trial shift.

Top Tip: Within Administration > Kobas System Preferences you can change whether a Telephone or a First Interview are required in the application progress.

Application decision making

When you conclude the final interview, you will have to mark Job Offered or Applicant Rejected.

When choosing "OFFER" above for the above for a New Applicant, you will now be at the same place in the process as if you had used the Skip Application tick box mentioned earlier. At this point, the staff member will also move from "New Applicants" to "New Starters".

Former Staff

A note on Former Staff:

Where you a re-employing a former staff member, you have the option of reinstating them (Staff > Former Staff > More Details and choose Reinstate Staff). You will be presented with a box to confirm the new access level, rota roles (skills) and new starter tasks required. Depending on how long the staff member has left your employment, you will have to re-enter different information.

You will now be brought back to the profile screen, and you will need to complete these steps:

  1. Choose either Mark Job Offer as Accepted or Mark Job Offer as Rejected.
  2. Complete the New Starter Tasks as required by your company. As a minimum to progress the staff member in Kobas, you will need to complete - Kobas Account, Pay & Bank Details, Next of Kin. However, we strongly suggest completing ID & Right to Work, and Employment Contract also. Please note that staff will need to have a single pay rate in Kobas, read here for suggestions in managing situations where staff have additional rates of pay.
  3. Choose Skip Remaining New Starter Tasks

Note: Please note that when you export Hours Worked for your Payroll, the export will only contain a Pay Reference ID that was present on the staff profile at the time of the export. This cannot be added retrospectively. Therefore, adding Payroll ID in at the earliest possible convenience is advised.

The staff member will now be moved to the "Current Staff" section of Kobas. 

Top Tip: Our Support Help Desk can Bulk Upload new starters for you when you are new to Kobas, opening a new venue, or have a large number of staff to add at once.

Warning: Good Account Hygiene is essential when dealing with aspects of Kobas that can create a lot of outdated data. Please take a look at this guide to keep your system healthy!

Have a look at the Staff Profile explained article, to look at the functionality of the Staff profile (including HR procedures).

Read here about how to customise the new starter tasks.